Easy Inspections

We bring you perfection by simplifying inspection

Start inspection on emory mobile app

Key Features

Designed by SALICO GmbH for you.

Bulk Upload

No manual work. Directly upload your goods or items into the app at once.

Digital Inspection
Verify or add item details, mark damages, and add photos, videos & comments.
Emory - easy Inspections
QR Code

We assign a QR code to each item that enables you to track and review item details on the go.

Share Online

Instantly share the Digital inspection Report with your customer in one click.

Super Simple. Super Quick.

Reduce complexity and elevate efficiency with an innovative and paperless inspection report.

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Clients onboarded
emory mark damages


Item basic details

Verify details

Quickly verify or add details of the items at your fingertips.

emory mark damages

Mark damages

Navigate across the layouts and mark damages seemlessely.

emory - mark damages

Add photos & videos

Add photos and videos on one single screen. No going back and forth.

What People are Saying

What are you waiting for?

Contact Us and start your digital inspection journey.
Super Simple. Super Quick.


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